About EnginExcel
My experience
My name is Alessandro and I am the person who will take care of your spreadsheets. I am based in Nijmegen (The Netherlands) and I have a background in Mechanical Engineering. I have experience in various fields, including:
- Mechanical design
- Project management
- CAE analysis
- Service
- Industrialisation
An exhaustive CV can be found on my LinkedIn page.
Why EnginExcel?
When I started working as a Mechanical Engineer I noticed that a lot of activities in my workplace were time-consuming and inefficient. BOMs were created and updated manually, to do lists were written on post-its and lost on the desk, the sizing of important components was done manually.
I noticed that a huge amount of time could be saved if we used Excel more extensively. For example, a costing spreadsheet could be found easily and automatically updated, the list of the main documents of the company could contain all the information I needed, the calculation of a motor could be done without having to restart from scratch every time.
My daily job became easier and quicker. I could find everything I needed when someone asked me, and I received compliments from my boss after automatically updating results in front of him. The more I improved my Excel skills, the more I understood how much it could do for me. My colleagues were impressed with the appearance and automation of my spreadsheets, and started to ask for my advice.
EnginExcel was born to give everyone the possibility of getting my help to save time and improve results.
How I work
EnginExcel only works with Mechanical Engineering companies, because this is where my working experience is and where I can make the difference for you. I currently work as a Project Manager in a special purpose machinery company and EnginExcel is a part time occupation. Thanks to this I can transfer my everyday experience to my customers and provide them with the best value.
I apply a schematic and engineering approach to my work. I use self-developed Excel tools and macro libraries that guarantee you a functional and efficient spreadsheet.