BOM comparison v2 Terms of Use
1. Application: these terms of use apply to BOM comparison v2.
2. Download and trial: BOM comparison tool can be downloaded for free from EnginExcel website and can be tried for free for 14 days.
3. License types: After the trial license is expired, BOM comparison can only be executed after the purchase of a license. Three types of licenses are available:
- Single-level license: it allows to run the Single-level BOM comparison tool
- Multi-level license: it allows to run the Multi-level BOM comparison tool
- Single-level + Multi-level license: it allows to run both the Single-level BOM comparison tool and the Multi-level BOM comparison tool
4. Purchase of license: The license can be purchased from EnginExcel website.
5. Activation of license:
- After the purchase of the license, a license code is provided to the customer via an email link. The link is active for 30 days, after which the license code will not be available. The expiration date of the link is indicated in the email.
- The license code can be entered in the BOM comparison tool to grant the use of the tool. This can only be done for a limited amount of time after the purchase. The duration of this time is indicated in the email sent to the customer. After this period it is not possible to activate the license.
- It is not possible to activate more than one license at a time.
- It is not possible to activate a new license more than 30 days before its expiration.
- The activation of a new license will cause the expiration of the current license.
6. License validity:
- The license has a time limit, after which a new license should be purchased to continue using the tool.
- Licenses previously purchased for BOM comparison revisions from 1.0 to 1.6 cannot be used for running this tool.
7. Number of users:
- The same license code can be entered into a maximum of 5 computers belonging to the same company or person, regardless of who the active user of these computers is.
- Licenses for the installation of more than 5 computers can be requested to EnginExcel, but cannot be purchased directly from EnginExcel webshop.